Hi there!!
Thanks for stopping by and I’m so glad that you’re here! This is the place to where I’ll post my thoughts on art, painting, color and will do deep dives into why I do what I do and how I do it. In the meantime, let’s stay in touch:
Here’s a few fun things to know about me:
I love to travel, especially abroad. I’ve been to over 40 countries. Traveling taught me that my home is within and is not limited to a geographical place.
My all-time most favorite song ever is This Must Be the Place by the Talking Heads. David Byrne said that it’s the only love song he ever wrote. I think the song transcends a love song though; it’s the meaning of life. He embraced in one song what everyone is looking for: connection and home. These are many of the themes that I explore in my work.
I have a BA in Art and Scenic Design for Theatre. And interestingly enough, my color inspiration came from my Scenic Design degree. I get more questions about my color inspiration, theory and choices than anything else. Watch this space for the answer to that question. It’s a long, involved and interesting answer. I find color inspiration in the most unlikely of places.
xo, L.